Current Research Studies

To view the procedure you must follow to seek approval for your research study to be advertised on the ARA website click here.

Information regarding studies that are currently recruiting participants  can be found below.

The Arthritis Australia website also has a page where consumers can express interest in joining a research study. 

Current practice of corticosteroid injection for common foot and ankle conditions in Australia

Project Title
Current practice of corticosteroid injection for common foot and ankle conditions in Australia

Principal Investigators

  • Glen Whittaker, (Podiatrist and ARA health professional member)
  • Naomi Blood (Podiatrist)
  • Matthew Cotchett (Podiatrist)
  • Christopher Couesnon (Honours Student)

Broad Aims of this Project

  • To evaluate the corticosteroid used for common foot and ankle conditions in Australia
  • To evaluate the anaesthetics used with corticosteroid for common foot and ankle conditions in Australia
  • To evaluate the techniques used when administering an injection for common foot and ankle conditions in Australia

Reason for Doing this Research Project
Researchers at La Trobe University are completing a study about the current use of corticosteroid injection for foot and ankle conditions. This research is being done to learn more about the corticosteroid, local anaesthetics, and injection techniques that are being used in Australia for common foot and ankle conditions. This research is being completed as part of an Honours project.

There are a range of corticosteroids, anaesthetics, and injection techniques used to administer corticosteroid injection, with selection of each variable currently based on opinion. Past research has found that selection of corticosteroid and injection techniques varies across disciplines and geographical regions, however there is no research that has evaluated corticosteroid injection use for foot and ankle conditions by Australian health professionals. Understanding how Australian health professionals use corticosteroid injection to manage common foot and ankle conditions can inform future randomised trials comparing the effectiveness of corticosteroids and injection techniques.

We hope to learn about the corticosteroid, local anaesthetics, and injection techniques that are being used in Australia for common foot and ankle conditions. Understanding this can inform future randomised trials comparing the effectiveness of corticosteroids and injection techniques.

Recruitment of Participants and Selection Criteria.
Participants will be health professionals who currently practice in Australia and administer corticosteroid injection to manage foot and ankle conditions. The health professionals that will be targeted for this study include orthopaedic surgeons, radiologists, rheumatologists, podiatrists, and podiatric surgeons.

Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria

  1. A health professional registered with AHPRA
  2. Reside in Australia 
  3. Use a primary language that is the same as the researchers
  4. Have administered at least 1 corticosteroid injection for a foot or ankle condition in the past 6 months

Ethics Approval Details
This research has been reviewed and approved by The La Trobe University Human Research Ethics Committee. If you have any complaints or concerns about the research study please email or phone +61 3 9479 1443 quoting the following number HEC24151

Link To Take Part In The Study

Time Period of the Research Project 
Anticipated finish date February 2026

For Further Information
Contact Glen Whittaker: / 0414777165

Research Study Closes: 28 February 2026
Date Posted: 25 February 2025

PRedicting disease-mOdifying anti-rheumatic drug doSe reduction response in rheumatoid and Psoriatic arthritis with EConomic evaluaTion (PROSPECT trial)

Project Title
A multicentre, open-label randomised controlled trial of DMARD dose maintenance (USUAL CARE) vs DMARD discontinuation after reduction (TAPER) in adult patients with rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis (RA and PsA) on stable b/tsDMARD therapy +/- csDMARD/s, who are in sustained low disease activity at baseline for cost-utility comparison and multiomic mechanistic analyses to predict success of down-titration strategies

Principal Investigators

  • Prof. Lyn March (Royal North Shore Hospital, NSW)
  • Prof. Marissa Lassere (St George Hospital, NSW)
  • Prof. Peter Youssef (Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, NSW)
  • Prof. Catherine Hill (The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, SA)
  • Prof. Susanna Proudman (Royal Adelaide Hospital, SA)
  • A/Prof. Mihir Wechalekar (Flinders Medical Centre, SA)
  • Prof. Rachelle Buchbinder (Malvern Clinic, VIC)
  • Dr. David Liew (Austin Health, VIC)
  • A/Prof. Helen Keen (Fiona Stanley Hospital, WA)
  • Dr. James Gray (Princess Alexandra Hospital, QLD)
  • Dr. Matthew Terrill (Sunshine Coast University Hospital, QLD)

Broad Aims of this Project

  • To evaluate efficacy, safety, and cost effectiveness of down-titration strategies of b/tsDMARD therapies in adults with well-controlled RA and PsA.
  • To identify clinical and biomarker predictors of success or failure of down-titration strategies.
  • To generate algorithms for predicting who can safely and successfully reduce biologic therapy.

Reasons for Doing this Research Project
Long-term use of the immunomodulating DMARD therapies may lead to overtreatment, with elevated risks of adverse events and unnecessary costs, however there is currently no clear guidance for when, how to, and who can withdraw therapies in RA or PsA. International consensus on the safest reduction protocols and predictors of success are severely lacking and there are no data in the Australian context where criteria for accessing biologics differs in important ways from the rest of the world. Trials to-date have primarily been conducted with the anti-TNF bDMARD agents, they have not always had a usual-care comparator arm and many have been conducted in the setting of relatively early disease and are not generalisable to all. This trial will substantially address these uncertainties and will enhance the implementation of down-titration strategies if proven to be safe and cost-effective in the Australian setting.

Recruitment of Participants and Selection Criteria 
Participants will be approximately 270 adults with well-controlled RA or PsA across 11 sites.
Major selection criteria include that subjects:

  • first started any b/tsDMARD with or without csDMARD ≥18 months ago;
  • are in remission or low disease activity and have been stable on DMARD for ≥6 months, and
  • if participants are on oral corticosteroids, the dose must be stable and ≤5mg prednisone daily equivalent;
  • have not had any parenteral or intra-articular corticosteroid injections in the last 6 months;
  • are not pregnant or have had an investigational new drug within the last 12 weeks.

Ethics Approval Details
Northern Sydney Local Health District (NSLHD) Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) Approval Number: 2021/ETH11902
Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry Number: ACTRN12621001695897

Time Period of the Research Project
Anticipated end date by Jun 2027

For Further Information
Contact 02 9463 1758 or email
Click here for Health Professionals Brochure

Research Study Closes: 30 June 2027
Date Posted:  August 2024

Multimodal MRI of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome: a cross-sectional neuroimaging study towards its neuropathophysiology and diagnosis

Project Title

Multimodal MRI of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome: a cross-sectional neuroimaging study towards its neuropathophysiology and diagnosis

Principal Investigators

  • Dr Zack Shan PhD, Thompson Institute, University of Sunshine Coast
  • Dr R Kwiatek FRACP, Private Rheumatology Practice, North Adelaide
  • Dr P Del Fante FRACGP, Private General Practice, Adelaide
  • Assist/Prof C Chang PhD, Vanderbilt University, USA
  • Prof V Calhoun PhD, The George State University, USA
  • Prof J Lagopolous PhD, Thompson Institute, University of Sunshine Coast
  • Prof D Hermens PhD, Thompson Institute, University of Sunshine Coast

Broad Aims of this Project

To investigate hypotheses of 

  • (i) Slowed hemodynamic response function (HRF) and elevated glutamate levels during brain function underpin the underlying neurological disease process in ME/CFS and fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS); and 
  • (ii) A multimodal MRI neuromarker, from the integration of structural, neurochemical, functional MRI measures, can be utilised to for objective diagnose of ME/CFS and FMS.

Reason for Doing this Research Project 

  • Incompletely understood ME/CFS and FMS (still regarded as a rheumatological disorder as its cardinal feature is widespread musculoskeletal pain) are closely related common functional somatic disorders causing major morbidity and economic loss within the Australian population, easily competing with inflammatory RMD as having unmet clinical needs. ME/CFS and FMS can be regarded as existing on a clinical phenotypic spectrum with most of those afflicted meeting diagnostic criteria for both.

Recruitment of Participants and Target Audience

  • Community individuals with FMS. Inclusion and exclusion criteria are strict and are summarised here.

Ethics Approval Details

  • USC Ethics Approval Number A191288
  • Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry Number: ACTRN12622001095752

Time Period of the Research Project

  • Recruitment to finish 31 December 2025.

For Further Information

  • Contact 07 5456 5445 or email
  • Click here for Fibromyalgia Research Study information.

Research Study Closes: 31 December 2025
Date Posted: August 2022