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Core Training: 1 Non-core: 1
John May Mathuja Bavanendrakumar
Average inpatients: 2-6 per week Average consults: 10-15 per week Clinics: 4 clinics per week Specialized clinics:
Rheumatology first on call offered to second year trainees Participation in General Medicine After-hours
Educational meetings:
Links with Musculoskeletal Research Group at Menzies Research Institute, UTas with strong track record in osteoarthritis and osteoporosis research and developing health services research.
Dr Deborah Speden or rheumadmin@
Staff Specialists:
Visiting Medical Officers
Rheumatology Nurse Practitioner:
Rheumatology Specialist nurse:
Allied health
Core Training is part of the Vic/Tas selection and training program with application through the PMCV portal. Non-core position is advertised on the Tasmanian DHHS Careers page
Job sharing and part-time positions supported