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Many people with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) may wish to have children. If this is you, please discuss this with your rheumatology team before you try to fall pregnant.
With careful treatment, most patients with RA can have healthy pregnancies and healthy babies.
Well-controlled RA improves the chance of healthy babies.
More detailed information can be found on the Arthritis Australia or the American College of Rheumatology websites.
Your GP or other members of your care team may find the Australian Rheumatology Association (ARA) Prescriber's Information on Medications for Rheumatic Diseases in Pregnancy helpful.
Good control of RA before you fall pregnant will give the best chance of falling pregnant, having a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.
Some very effective RA medications can be safely taken during pregnancy. However, some RA medications should not be taken if planning a pregnancy so please talk with your rheumatology team.
Pain management
Corticosteroids, e.g. prednisone/prednisolone
Disease Modifying Anti Rheumatic Drugs (DMARDs)
DMARDs that should be AVOIDED during pregnancy
Remember with careful medical and obstetric management, most patients with RA can have successful pregnancies. If you have any questions, please ask your rheumatology team. The American College of Rheumatology states that women with a low-risk profile should include regular three-month visits to the rheumatologist, as a precaution. Those with a high-risk profile should be managed by a medical and obstetric team with experience in high-risk pregnancies.
More detailed information can be found at: • Arthritis Australia • American College of Rheumatology Website • The Royal Women’s Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Medicines Guide • MotherSafe
Your GP or other members of your care team may find the following ARA resource helpful:
Prescribers Information on Medications for Rheumatic Diseases in Pregnancy.