Application Process for 2026 Rheumatology Advanced Training: NSW and ACT Training Sites

All applications must be made via the NSW Health on-line recruitment portal.  Position descriptions, closing dates, and required documentation for application are listed on the NSW Health recruitment portal.  

Selection into Rheumatology Advanced Training in NSW/ACT utilizes a single centralized panel.  The selection panel consists of the Head of Department (or representative) of each NSW/ACT training site. The Organising Secretary is a senior rheumatologist independent of the training sites. There are 12 training sites, offering 18 full-time and 2 half-time positions. Training sites are based in ACT, Newcastle, Wollongong, Dubbo, and central and outer Sydney. The number of new training positions varies year to year and is often not known until potential applications from current trainees have closed. Advanced trainees can only have one full-year equivalent of core clinical training at a site. Applicants offered a training position can only accept or decline for that site and cannot negotiate for acceptance to another training site.

Selected trainees, subject to satisfactory completion of RACP training requirements, remain within the program until all requirements for training have been completed. NSW Health employment is only for one year at a time, and advanced trainees must re-apply each year using the NSW Health recruitment portal and will be interviewed annually. 

Two half-time Advanced Training positions are available at Concord Hospital, Sydney and must be applied for separately to the centralised panel for full-time positions. Information on these positions should be obtained from the Head of Rheumatology, Concord Repatriation Hospital, Sydney. All applicants who are shortlisted for interview will be invited by the Secretary to confidentially express an interest in the half-time positions and they are provided with details of the process. The central interview panel remains unaware of any expressed interest in these positions. Expressions of interest will be assessed by the Head of Rheumatology – Concord Hospital who will shortlist and advise those who are invited for the separate Concord interviews, usually ahead of the continuing applicants on Tuesday.

Application Process:

Recruitment is overseen by NSW Health, and applications are via the NSW Health recruitment portal. Position descriptions for each site are available on that portal, and additional site information is available on the ARA website. Individual training sites will provide the same information by email upon request, but NSW Health regulations prohibit individual meetings prior to selection. 

Selection for interview is based on the applicant’s CV/application and in addition to any documentation required by NSW Health, applicants MUST complete the NSW ARA Structured CV and Referee Listing document

Applicants are encouraged to complete all sections and are able to provide information on circumstances that may have impacted their opportunity to excel in any section, and any relevant career disruptions. When completing the NSW ARA Structured CV and Referee Listing document, applicants are required to list TWO (only) referees from whom a structured and scoreable referee report will be obtained. NSW Health require that a current or most recent medical employment supervisor must be listed as one of the two referees. Your referee must NOT be a member of the selection panel. 

Interviews are face to face for new applicants and by video-link for current trainees, and occur approximately two weeks after the closure of applications. Interviews are structured with each applicant asked the same questions by a centralized panel member. Questions cover core domains applicable to the selection criteria and the Rheumatology profession. Different questions will be used for incoming and continuing applicants. 

The final rank of an applicants is based on cumulative scorings from an applicant’s CV/application and centralised interview. The ranking of applicants provides NSW Health with a preferred applicant list and an eligibility list. Position offers can only be made by NSW Health and listing does not constitute a job offer. In the event of a preferred applicant declining a NSW Health offered position, applicants on the eligibility listing will be contacted in rank order until the position is filled. 

Allocation of training site:

Incoming applicants selected for interview and continuing applicants will be invited by NSW Health to rank ALL the NSW/ACT training sites from most favoured to least favoured. Continuing applicants must rank previous training sites at the bottom of their rankings as each training position is only for one year. Training sites similarly rank all interviewed applicants, and similarly place previous trainees at the bottom of their rankings. The matching process used by NSW Health and RACP uses the Gale-Shapley algorithm; an iterative process which results in there being no applicant/site pairing in which both parties prefer each other to a higher degree than the matching awarded.

Applicant rankings are confidential and are not known to the panellists, Selection Panel Chair or Secretary. Site rankings are similarly confidential. You should rank all positions in the order which you truly would like to take up the posts. You cannot “game” the system. Applicants MUST not discuss their preference rankings with any selection panel members, training site staff or other selected trainees.

Job offers and site allocations offered by NSW Health are NOT negotiable or transferable. Successful applicants must either Accept or Decline an offered position and cannot arrange swaps with other trainees.

Important Dates

NSW Health Application dates: Tue 15 July to Tue 5 August 2025 inclusive

Interview Dates
New applicants: Mon 18 August 2025
Continuing applicants: Tue 19 August 2025

NSW Notification of outcome: Tue 26 August 2025

Application Process for 2026 Rheumatology Advanced Training: NSW and ACT training sites (downloadable pdf format)

Structured CV document (downloadable pdf format)

Structured CV document (downloadable word format)