ARA 2025 Federal Election ASKS

The ARA remains committed to engaging with Parliament and the Government to advocate for improved care, access to better medicines, and enhanced outcomes for our patients and their families. This document outlines the ARA's key priorities that we are asking from the Australian Government for the 2025 Federal Election. 

ARA 2025 Federal Election ASKS

2024-2025 Pre-Budget Submission

Our News and Media

The ARA Rural Rheumatology Committee hosted an RACP webinar on the 12th July 2021. 

Rural patients continue to struggle to receive optimal medical care in 2021 and all specialties face the same dilemmas in providing optimal rural care. This webinar outlines how Rheumatologists attempt to address rural medical service provision inequities. Each speaker presents their practice of rural service provision both as physicians visiting rural areas and those living and working in rural Australia. A practical approach outlining how easy it is to set-up a rural clinic is also discussed.   

Speakers: Dr Simon Burnet, Dr Claire Barrett, Dr Sabina Ciciriello, Dr Joel Riley and moderated by Dr Louise Ward

Recording available here

An article was also written for Rheumatology Republic on how to start up your own rural and regional practice. To read the article click here.

ARA 2019 Workforce Survey