ARA has the following categories for membership.
Full Members, being persons who are:
- medical practitioners with appropriate training in rheumatology as defined by AHPRA as a rheumatology specialist
- senior scientists with a major commitment to research in the field of rheumatic diseases, who are invited by the Board to become Full Members;
Medical Associate Members, whose work as medical practitioners is related to rheumatic diseases such as Rheumatology Advanced Trainees.
Healthcare Professional Members, those who work in the field of rheumatology such as exercise physiologists, all nurse practitioners, occupational therapists, pharmacists, physiotherapists, podiatrists, psychologists and rheumatology nurses.
International Members, those who work in the field of rheumatology and reside outside of Australia.
Uncategorised Members, those who do not fit within the above categories such as researchers, scientists, medical students and business executives.