Governance Documents

To view the relevant documents, click the name of document or link below.

ARA Constitution

The current version of the ARA Constitution can be found here.


Co-Branding and Endorsement Policy (December 2022)

This policy outlines the circumstances where the ARA agree to co-brand or provide endorsement and the procedures for authorising and publication of information or activities attributed to the ARA or containing the ARA logo. 

Privacy Policy (December 2021)

This policy outlines how the Association collect, use and manage personal information gathered and/or stored in addition to providing information about how to access your personal information.

Sponsorship Policy (July 2021)

The ARA relies on the generosity of sponsors to undertake much of its activities. This document outlines the ARA’s position with respect to receiving sponsorship. 

Whistle-blower Policy  (August 2021)

This policy outlines what individuals should do if they wish to make a disclosure in relation to corporate misconduct and what protection is available to them.  

Bullying, Harassment, and Discrimination - Workplace Participants Policy (June 2024)

This policy implements the ARA's zero-tolerance perspective for acts of bullying, harassment, and discrimination affecting our workplace participants.

Bullying, Harassment, and Discrimination - Members Policy (October 2024)

This policy implements the ARA's zero-tolerance perspective for acts of bullying, harassment, and discrimination as it relates to our members.


Policies & Procedures

Media and External Communications Policy & Procedure  (October 2024)

This policy outlines the process all Directors, Members and Workplace Participants should follow in response to enquiries, protocols to be adopted when undertaking external communication activities, the type of issues on which ARA may comment and designated spokespeople for ARA. 

Subscription Policy & Procedure (February 2022)
This policy outlines details of the process to determine subscription fees payable.

Grievance Policy & Procedure (June 2024)

This policy outlines the process to submit a grievance of dispute that may arise when members or others are engaged in carrying out the duties or business of the ARA, and the procedures that the ARA will follow once a submission has been received.



Positions Vacant Procedures  (July 2022)

This procedure assists the ARA to process position vacant advertisement requests from non-members or external agencies/ organisations on the ARA website. 

Survey of Membership Procedures  (July 2022)

This procedure assists the ARA to process surveys of ARA membership requests from members and non-members of the Association. 


Position Statements

Climate Change Position Statement (Updated June 2023)

This position statement outlines actions able to be taken by ARA members to improve sustainability in rheumatology and the ARA's aspirations with respect to its own actions and actions of other parties including state and federal government, hospitals and industry.